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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - attempt


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Перевод с английского языка attempt на русский

1. сущ. попытка - abortive attempt - criminal attempt 2. гл. предпринимать Syn: launch, initiate, undertake ATTEMPT 1) пробовать, пытаться, предпринимать 2) попытка, проба; опыт – to attempt an action for revocation of the patent
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  попытка; пытаться ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. попытка, проба attempt to save smb.'s life —- попытка спасти чью-л. жизнь to make an attempt —- сделать попытку we made an attempt to climb the mountain —- мы попытались подняться на (эту) гору 2. (on, upon) покушение attempt upon the life of smb. —- покушение на чью-л. жизнь attempt on the world speed record —- попытка побить мировой рекорд скорости 3. (at) результат неудачной попытки; неудачная проба her attempt at a raisin cake had to be thrown away —- испеченный ею на пробу кекс с изюмом пришлось выбросить the boy's attempt at English composition —- неумелое (нескладное) сочинение, написанное школьником на английском языке 4. пытаться, пробовать; сделать попытку to attempt smth. (to do smth.) —- пытаться сделать что-л. to attempt flying (to fly) —- попробовать летать to attempt a difficult task —- пробовать выполнить трудную задачу to attempt (to climb) the mountain —- попытаться подняться на гору to attempt a settlement of the dispute —- постараться разрешить (уладить) спор I will attempt a reply to your question —- попытаюсь ответить на ваш вопрос 5. пытаться преодолеть, пытаться подчинить, захватить или уничтожить to attempt a man's life —- покушаться на чью-л. жизнь ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) попытка; проба; опыт  2) покушение - attempt on smb. s life  2. v. пытаться, пробовать, делать попытку Syn: see try ATTEMPT on smb. s life покушение на чью-л. жизнь ...
Англо-русский словарь
  попытка – automatic repeat attempt – line disengagement attempt – successful setup attempt – unsuccessful setup attempt ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  попытка - docking attempt ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by to + infin.) seek to achieve or complete (a task or action) (attempted the exercise; attempted to explain). 2 seek to climb or master (a mountain etc.). --n. (often foll. by at, on, or to + infin.) an act of attempting; an endeavour (made an attempt at winning; an attempt to succeed; an attempt on his life). Phrases and idioms attempt the life of archaic try to kill. Derivatives attemptable adj. Etymology: OF attempter f. L attemptare (as AD-, temptare TEMPT) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. transitive verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French ~er, from Latin ~are, from ad- + temptare to touch, try — more at tempt  Date: 14th century  1. to make an effort to do, accomplish, solve, or effect ~ed to swim the swollen river  2. archaic tempt  3. archaic to try to subdue or take by force ; attack  • ~able adjective Synonyms:  ~, try, endeavor, essay, strive mean to make an effort to accomplish an end. ~ stresses the initiation or beginning of an effort will ~ to photograph the rare bird. try is often close to ~ but may stress effort or experiment made in the hope of testing or proving something tried to determine which was the better procedure. endeavor heightens the implications of exertion and difficulty endeavored to find crash survivors in the mountains. essay implies difficulty but also suggests tentative trying or experimenting will essay a dramatic role for the first time. strive implies great exertion against great difficulty and specifically suggests persistent effort continues to strive for peace.  II. noun  Date: 1534  1.  a. the act or an instance of ~ing; especially an unsuccessful effort  b. something resulting from or representing an ~ surrounded by…a few ~s at rose bushes — Marian Engel  2. attack, assault an ~ on the life of the president ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (attempts, attempting, attempted) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you attempt to do something, especially something difficult, you try to do it. The only time that we attempted to do something like that was in the city of Philadelphia... Before I could attempt a reply he added over his shoulder: ‘Wait there.’ VERB: V to-inf, V n 2. If you make an attempt to do something, you try to do it, often without success. ...a deliberate attempt to destabilise the defence... It was one of his rare attempts at humour. N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft N to-inf 3. An attempt on someone’s life is an attempt to kill them. ...an attempt on the life of the former Iranian Prime Minister. N-COUNT: N on n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 an act of trying to do something, especially something difficult  (attempt to do sth)  (All attempts to control inflation have failed.) + a  (He made one last attempt at the world record.) make no attempt  (The protestors made no attempt to resist arrest. | in an attempt to do sth)  (In an attempt to diffuse the tension I suggested that we break off for lunch.) 2 an attempt on sb's life an act of trying to kill someone, especially someone famous or important ~2 v to try to do something that is difficult, dangerous, or has never been done before  (attempt to do sth)  (Every time I've attempted to convince her, I've failed completely. | attempt sth)  (Weather conditions prevented them from attempting the jump.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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